Lead Process
Once you fill out our lead form here, you will be sent a comprehensive questionnaire. We use this to feel out where you have been, where you want to go, and how we can help you get there. You will then be presented with a 3-tiered monthly service proposal, which ranges from what we have determined to be your business’s most basic needs, to services that will bring your business to the next level.
Communications Process
As a virtual practice, communication primarily takes place by email. Most packages include unlimited email support, and some packages include periodic management meetings which take place via Google Meet. Phone calls and meetings not agreed upon as part of a service package are billed at an hourly rate of $300.

Operations Process
Our firm communication hub is housed in a cloud software called TaxDome which you can access here. This is where you will upload any monthly statements or tax documents, and where you will find deliverables we have prepared on your behalf, such as tax returns. To learn how this system works, check out the TaxDome Client Academy here.
All of our service packages are fixed fee, charged on a monthly basis on the first of each month by ACH autodraft. Services that are “annual” in nature, such as tax returns, are prorated over 12 months as part of the service packages. If you need help with something that is outside of our agreed upon scope, you will receive a separate contract addendum with a quote to approve before work commences. You will never receive a surprise bill from us!
While we appreciate that there are many accounting software solutions out there, and everyone has their own preferences, we exclusively work with QuickBooks Online. If you are currently with another provider and are not open to changing, that is absolutely okay, but that just means that we are not the right practice for you.
If you’d like us to manage your accounts payable process, we utilize Bill.com to deliver this service. This requires you or someone in your organization to upload your invoices to this software, either by forwarding to a unique-to-your-business email address or uploading to an app with your phone’s camera. We will then setup the bill for payment and route it back to you to digitally approve. This works best when you have someone on your team that takes ownership of submitting the invoices, so that as an owner you aren’t needing to see the bill until the approval step. If your team is not of the size to accommodate the process this way, accounts payable management may not be a great service fit for you.